Time Doctor

Listing Description

Optimize your workforce productivity with Time Doctor, an intuitive software solution designed for effective time tracking and employee monitoring. From project management to advanced reporting, Time Doctor is your go-to solution for efficient time management.


  1. Time Tracking: Accurate tracking of time spent on tasks and projects for enhanced productivity.
  2. Employee Monitoring: Monitor employee activities and screen captures for improved accountability.
  3. Project Management: Efficiently manage and track project timelines, tasks, and milestones.
  4. Advanced Reporting: Generate detailed reports for insights into time usage and project progress.
  5. Distraction Alerts: Receive real-time alerts for employee distractions, ensuring focused work.
  6. Invoicing: Streamline invoicing processes by linking tracked time directly to client billing.
  7. Integrations: Seamless integration with various project management and collaboration tools.
  8. Mobile Accessibility: Convenient access to time tracking and productivity tools on-the-go.


  • Accurate Time Tracking: Precise tracking of time spent on tasks for billing and payroll accuracy.
  • Employee Accountability: Monitor employee activities to enhance accountability and focus.
  • Project Efficiency: Improve project management with detailed reporting and milestone tracking.
  • Distraction Management: Receive alerts and insights into distractions for increased productivity.
  • Client Billing Integration: Link tracked time directly to client billing for streamlined invoicing.


  • Learning Curve: Some users may need time to adapt to the full range of advanced features.
  • Privacy Concerns: Employee monitoring features may raise privacy concerns and require clear communication.

  • Attendance Management
  • Employee Management
  • Leave Management
  • Payroll Management

How does Time Doctor ensure accurate time tracking for remote teams?

Time Doctor employs advanced tracking mechanisms to accurately record time spent on tasks, even for remote teams.

Yes, Time Doctor promotes transparency and ethical monitoring, providing employees with visibility into tracked activities.

Yes, Time Doctor offers seamless integration with popular project management and collaboration tools for enhanced efficiency.

Time Doctor prioritizes privacy and provides clear communication to employees regarding monitoring policies.

Yes, Time Doctor offers customization options to align with specific organizational requirements for effective time management.

1 Review

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  1. Ashish
    January 4, 2024

    pricing is too high

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1 Review

  • Overall Rating
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  • Pricing
  1. Ashish
    January 4, 2024

    pricing is too high

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